For the second consecutive year, I traveled to the Madrid exhibition Fair the most representative element of our fiestas Magdaleneras, La Gaiata. Elaborated by the members of the School of Artists Gaiateros, the monument was an exact replica of the Gaiata winner in the Magdalena 2018 and therefore gaiata of the city. With a peculiarity, and it was that it was detachable, facilitating the transfer and entrance to the pavilion of The fair.
Since the declaration of the Festivals of international tourist interest, the party board, jointly with the city Council, the party board and the councillor of tourism, proposed to give the enhancement that corresponds to our big week of parties and with This takes part in events like the biggest international tourism fair that every year is celebrated in Madrid.
And to put the gold brooch to the presence of Castellon in Fitur, the recreation of the most traditional elements of the Magdalena, las cañas, las cintas y los rollos, the poster of celebrations, the advancement of the programming, traditional music and of course the godmothers and the Presidents of the Gaiatas, the ladies of the city and the Queens of the festivities.
A whole display of castellonerismo to publicize our most popular festivals, in this case the Gaiata 15 was represented by his Madrina Andrea moles and Our Dama de la CIudad Nagore Garcia Miravet, who announced our traditions and parties to the Thousands of visitors.
Fotos cortesía de Sequiol
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