The Board of Directors of Gaiata 15 Sequiol cultural association met in early June to ratify the appointments of the Madrina, Children’s Madrina, and Children’s President of the Magdalena 2023, according to articles 21 (Festive calendar) and 26 (Representatives Election) of the Internal Rules and Regulations of the association and attending to the existing preferential list.
The pandemic circumstances experienced in previous years have required a restructuring of the aforementioned preferential list. The Board verified that the interested parties met all the requirements. After the ratification of their will to continue aspiring to the positions mentioned above for this new magdalenera edition, it was approved, unanimously, to designate as:
– MADRINA to Miss Adriana Llopis Pascual.
– CHILDREN’S MADRINA, to the girl Lucia Benedito Ordaz,
– and CHILDREN’S PRESIDENT, to the boy Carlos Benedito Ordaz.
Immediately, the President of the association, Elisabeth Breva, telephoned the three nominees to inform them of their election and to convey the congratulations of the Board of Directors.
Upon the arrival of Adriana, Claudia, and Carlos, we experienced moments of immense joy at the festive headquarters. They effusively greeted those who applauded them, for the first time, as the highest representatives of Sequiol for the Magdalena 2023.
And no less emotional was the hug with Lourdes, Alejandra, and Manel, our magnificent representatives of the Magdalena 2022. It was also a bittersweet moment remembering so many moments lived intensely, and knowing that it was time for the relief, gave them more joy and enthusiasm, if possible, to carry out their new positions.
The summer was very close, and Sequiol already had Adriana, Claudia, and Carlos, its top representatives for the Magdalena 2023. And of which new events were already beginning to be known: November 12 will be our official presentation at the Palau de la Festa.
Magdalena 2023 is already a reality. Let’s enjoy it!
Fotos cortesía SEQUIOL
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