XIV School competition of mock-ups Ciutat de Castello. Election of winning galleries.

For the 14th consecutive year, gaiata 15 Sequiol summoned last October the contest of models of gaiatas directed to the schoolchildren of our city, centers of infantile and primary, and institutes of secondary education.

One more year, the children of Castellón showed that their imagination has no limits. We could see gaiatas made of cork, wood, plastic or cloth. Details topped with stained glass, coffee capsules, sticks, straws, and even platelina. Great artists.

In order to choose the best models, the Thursday afternoon was 9 March an expert jury formed by the president of the patronage of parties Sara Usó, the president of the board of fiesas Juan Vicente Bellido, the journalist of the newspaper Mundo, Chelo Pastor, the journalist of the Mediterranean Cristina Garcia , The gaiathero artist Jose Luis Aragones, the gaiatero artist Raúl Collazos, the gaiatera artist Vanesa Perez, the painter Lorenzo Ramirez, the director of Carrefour Javier Gonzalez, the director of HR of Carrefour CAstellon Ana Serrano, the manager of the fundacion Caixa Castelló Alberto Armijo and the gaiata 15, his adviser Agustín Mon and the vice presidents Jorge Martí and Victor Orozco.

The more of a hundred present works, pertaining to a dozen schools of our city, in an decision not easy for the jury, they were winning the following models of gaiatas:

  • First prize: Javier Godes Martí, sixth of primary of CEIP Isidoro Andres, with the model that bears the name “L’esclat de la magdalena”.
  • Second prize: CArlos Daniel Buciumean, from fifth grade at CEIP Cervantes, with the model with the motto, “Al son de la musica”.
  • Third prize: Carlos Daniel Buciumean, fifth of primary in the Ceip Isidoro andres with the model with the motto “quan la magdalena arriba la festa no es termina”.

Congratulations to the winners and most sincere thanks to our sponsor for the second consecutive year Carrefour Castellon, as well as to the city council of castellon, to the deputation of castellon, the culture department of the Valencian generalitat for their collaboration.

Next Saturday March 11, at 12 and at the Ethnologic Museum of catellon, will take place the inauguration of the exhibition of all the models presented to the contest.

Also, on Thursday, March 16 at 6 pm and in the Hall of Plenums of the municipality of castellon will take place the awards ceremony to the winners.


Photos courtesy of A.C. Gaiata 15 “Sequiol”

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