After months of intense work, it was time to bring our llibret to light. All the events celebrated throughout the year, the festival schedule of the next Magdalena, as well as different items of interest, this year dedicated to buildings most emblematic of our city, have their place in the llibret of parties that every year, we do with the maximum esteem trusting that it is the taste of the commissioners, partners, neighbors and friends of the Sequiol. And why not, to be able to choose the different Prizes, as much in the individual scope, articles, cover or Valencian, com in the general scope.
The act of presentation, the first one to be celebrated in the new chap, was attended by an ample representation of the festive world, beginning with our queens Estefania and Berta, the ladies of the city, as well as the children’s bridesmaids and presidents and children’s presidents of the majority ff the friend gaiatas. President of honor of the Sequiol, commissioners, partners, friends, no one wanted to miss such an emotional act. President Elisabeth, Beatriz, Teresa and Marcos, secondly the queens of the celebrations Estefania and Berta and then the president of the party, the
president of honor Don Joaquin Borrás, the author of the cover and all those with their article and contributions have made it possible for us to have our llibret.
This year, once again, the author of our cover has been Lorenzo Ramírez, artist of the land “castellonero de soca” and person always committed to our parties. After the distribution also the friends other gaiats and the members of the commission present, the event ended with a snack offered to all attendees to this endearing act.
The llibret is already on the street, the parties are here, now it is only necessary that everything goes well as scheduled and that we all enjoy our holiday week.
Photos courtesy of Ediciones Digitales Muphy
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