From the same day we were aware of the date of the presentation, the work team began to think about what to prepare to try to surprise the attendees to the Palau that night and, above all, to our offices and our Commissions, true protagonists of the act.
After shuffling different ideas, we finally decided to make the Palau a musical theater in the purest style of Broadway. The idea had been provided to us, unknowingly, by the highest sequioleros positions for the Magdalena of 2018, Àgueda, Nagore and Iker. The two godmothers, students of a dance academic, Àgueda fan of Harry Potter, Nagore and Iker of Star Wars. All this mixed in a cocktail shaker, resulted in a very musical and film act, to entertain the protocol part. And who better than Castellón Baila, his dance academy, to put the touch of color, choreography and visual spectacle to the Palau’s stage.
But not only had to devise the show. Once this was defined, we had to give shape to the decoration of the stage, the tables, and everything necessary so that the night of the Presentation of the Sequiol was perfect.
For the stage it was essential to use the most advanced light and visual technology, the LEDs, with which we would be able to transport the Palau’s stage to all those places necessary to recreate the most famous scenes of Hollywood movies.
The rehearsals began, those prior to the assemblies, there was very little left and much remained to be done …
The week before the Presentation, as it has been traditional, is a cluster of work, nerves and last minute rush. Each member of the Commission has their assigned task: from preparing bands, bouquets and gifts to the guests, finishing the presenter’s script, making the centerpieces, programming the music, videos and light effects, and of course carrying out the stage setting.
While the Palau was working tirelessly, there was the general rehearsal with 2017 positions, children and senior commissions, collaborators and, of course, 2018 positions.
The last day, with the stage ready, had to assemble the tables and decorate them. This time, the women “sequioleres” had spent a lot of days decorating glass jars and turning them into real works of art. Above the tables, surrounded by lemon leaves, would give a touch of elegance very distinguished. In addition, we have as always with the help of prisoners of the Penitentiary Center to make the details of remembrance for the Queens and Ladies of the City.
The general rehearsal took place late on Friday. Everything was ready. The next day would be the great staging.
Fotos cortesía de A.C. Gaiata 15 “Sequiol”
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