The summer is coming to an end, we are in the month of September and we entered in time of the festivals of 2019, and Empeamos with the traditional act of appointment of the charges that represented the Sequiol in this year 2019.
A summer night, in the summer residence of the family of Natalia wants, surrounded by trees where we could enjoy an endearing act.
Little by little, the place was filling of Sequiolos who wanted to be witnesses of the relay that supposes the act itself. In a scenario prepared by the boys of the “MAtadero ” and that I take the olivera to place to our “Panderola”, the illuminated names of the new charges Andrea, NAtalia and Marc and counted on Javi Rodriguez as presenter of the event and with Agustin Mon in the technical part of light and sound.
As usual, we requested the presence on the stage of the charges of the 2018 godmother Nagore Garcia, godmother Agueda Ibars and accompanied them children’s President Iker Miralles Claramonte.
To make way for 2019 charges, children’s godmother NAtalia wants, and godmother Andrea moles, accompanied by child President Marc Osorio.
Once the stage was complete, he gave way to the protocolohabitual, making first delivery of the parchment accredited to Andrea, NAtalia and Marc accrediting their position as well as delivery of the silver insignia.
As a reminder and in gratitude to the year in which they represented the Sequiol, Elisabeth delivered a reproduction of the miniature banner to the charges 2018, Agueda, Nagore and Iker.Se followed with the floral offering to the godmothers 2018 and 2019, the delivery of a reminder to The children’s Presidents Iker and Marc and a floral offering for the parents of the charges 2018 and 2019.
The following was the imposition of coloured badges for the new members of the children and elderly and silver Comiso for the members who have been in the Commission for 3 consecutive years or 5 alternates.
As is traditional, President Elisabeth addressed the present with words of remembrance to the charges 2018 and congratulations to the charges 2019 and encourage you to continue working to get our gaiata, continue to be the best gaiata in Castellon.
The party lasted until well into the evening with a agape offered by the attendants. The “Panderola ” is back and March, we go for the cupcake 2019, Congratulations Andrea, Natalia and Marc, and heart thanks for this wonderful year that we offered to Agueda, Nagore and Iker.
Fotos cortesía de Sequiol
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