On Sunday morning we celebrated the traditional paella contest that brought together many neighbors, in addition to our commission. Finished the meal, it was time to start picking up, and so we were dismantling bars, tables and chairs and cleaning the streets, and finally putting a little order
Later accompanied by the charanga, we participated in the final parade and Magdalena Vitol. The festivities were over, but there was one last very endearing act to celebrate: the shutting down of the gaiatas.As finished the acts in Plaza Mayor, Agueda, Nagore and Iker moved back to the sector, where they proceeded to extinguish gaiateros monuments. The next day they would be transferred back to the Municipal Warehouse.
A fantastic party week was over, in which time had given us a couple of scares but it had not stopped us from celebrating any act. A 2.018 Magdalena , that Agueda, Nagore and Iker will never forget, as will Beatriz afterwards formed part of the court of honor of the Queen of the holidays.
It’s time to rest, and within a very short time, start thinking about the Magdalena 2.019.

Fotos cortesía de Sequiol

Fotos cortesía de Sequiol
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