The parties of the Magdalena began, as is traditional, with the mascleta in the first Moli. But before, the maximum representatives of Sequiol, Agueda Ibars, Nagore Garcia and Iker Miralles, accompanied by the president Elisabeth Breva, attended the reception in the City Council, this year held in the Plaza Mayor, so that the attendance of public was numerous. The festive world welcomed the foreign delegations of Valencia, Alicante, Murcia and all the towns of the province of Castellon.
And above all, it was celebrated for the first time on the day of the beginning of our festivities, the act of homage to the Gaiater of the Year 2.018, the Sequiolo Agustin Mon. After a few words of gratitude and the review of his extensive festive curriculum, Agustin received from Mayor’s hands a plaque accrediting his appointment, and on behalf of the president of the Gaiates manager, the act of his election.
After a very emotional moment, the procession began until the mascleta. Later, once the 74th edition of the Magdalena festivities began, the third edition of the Tombatossals placement of the magdalenero handkerchief, organized by the federation of collas.
And in the afternoon our most traditional cavalcade, the Pregó. Sensing the embrace of the large audience, many members of our association went out to the parade in different points of this one. They closed the representatives of the different gaiatas, in our case with the Damas and companions and, finally, with the Madrina Agueda,and Dama de la Ciudad Beatriz, in the carriage that precedes the town Pregonero.
Finished the ride, the maximum representatives of Sequiol Agueda,NAgore and Iker, came to witness L’Enfarolá del Fadrí. And due to the water forecasts of the following day, the traditional departure of the gaiatas from the municipal warehouse had to be postponed. After many months of work ” Lloeu la llum infinita “and” Jocs d’infantesa “would have to wait one more day to go out into the street.

Fotos cortesía de Sequiol
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