“Ja el dia és arribat.” The most awaited week of all Castellón begins. After a year of adventures, events, presentations, and emotions, it was time to live the big week more intensely. It is an exceptional week for everyone, mainly because this 2023, our little Alejandra holds the most significant responsibility that a castellonera can dream of, Children’s Queen of the Magdalena 2023, after having lived a few different years as Children’s Madrina of Sequiol, she fulfilled her great dream. And not only Alejandra’s but also the dream of Adriana, Lucía, and Carlos, our Madrina, Children’s Madrina, and Children’s President, three “castelloneros de soca” (purebred castelloneros) who will live this week more excitedly than ever.
Thus, the festival began, accompanied by a sunny day, after our top representatives attended the City Hall of Castellón reception. Adriana, Lucía, and Carlos, accompanied by President Elisabeth, attended the first mascletá in the Primer Molí. Afterward, we celebrated the placement of the Magdalenero neckerchief to Tombatossals.
The afternoon arrived, and with it began the most traditional parade of our festival, the Pregó, feeling the embrace of the public of Castellón, paraded the various groups and festival associations of Castellón. The gaiatera commissions, our ladies and companions sequioleros carried out the culmination of the parade that ended with the float of the Madrinas, which included Adriana, the Ladies of the City, and the Queen of the Festival, Selene, who preceded the Pregoner.
At the end of the parade, we went to the Plaza Mayor to enjoy the “enfarolà” organized by Reyes Martí.
At nightfall was the traditional departure of the gaiatas from the municipal warehouse. After many months of hard work and effort, the sequiolos we brought to light our magnificent monuments.
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Fotos cortesía COMISIO
Fotos cortesía COMISIO
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