Imposition of Bands for the Children’s Queen and his Court of Honor

The summer exhausted its last days, and this, in the festive calendar, means that it was time to give way to protocol, to the word turned into gallantry, to music and poetry, which give continuity to our traditions.

It was time to deliver the band accrediting her position, to the Queens of the Holidays for the Magdalena 2018 and its Courts of Honor, that is to say, Ladies of the City and Madrinas of the different Commissions of Sector Gaiateras.

First it was the turn of the smallest, the maximum representatives of the children of Castellón in its founding festivities. Its big day began with the concentration in the Plaza Mayor of Children Madrinas and Presidentes of all the Gaiatas, along with the Children Ladies of the City and the Children’s Queen Lucia.

On the occasion of the remodeling works of the Town Hall, it was not possible the traditional reception in the Plenary Hall by the Mayoress. Thus, both the delivery of the badge of the Gestora de Gaiatas to the Children Presidents, and the baptism of the model of the winning Gaiata the Magdalena 2017 and next Gaiata of the City 2018, had to move to the Teatre Principal.

The parade to one of the most emblematic buildings of our City, the Teatre Principal, was loaded with much emotion for the joy and the great illusion of all the protagonists of the night.

At the entrance of this endearing venue, our Gaiata, headed by its President Elisabeth Breva, had the honor of delivering to the City of Castellón, the model of the Gaiata of the City 2018. The Mayoress Amparo Marco, accompanied by the President of the Municipal Patronage of Fiestas Sara Usó, and numerous members of the Municipal Corporation, took possession of the exact replica of a meter of height, of Gaiata baptized by the Sequiol as “Records d’Infantesa”. A moment of great pride for the whole family.

Then, with a stage magnificently decorated with the sobriety and elegance that the occasion demanded, first it was the Children Presidents who acceded to it, where the Mayoress Amparo Marco waited for them to deliver them the parchment certifying his position and the insignia of the Gestora de Gaiatas. Among them, the maximum sequiolero representative, Iker Miralles Claramonte, nervous and content in equal parts, showing his great sympathy.

Then the girls, the Children Madrinas of all the Gaiatas, were parading one by one along the central corridor to the stage. The maximum sequiolera representative, Nagore Garcia Miravet, acceded to the stage smiling, radiating happiness by the four sides.

Once completed the stage with the presence of the Ladies of the City and the Children’s Queen Lucia Burguete Alcaide, the Mayoress of the City Amparo Marco, placed on the chest of all the girls their longed band. With the flowers delivered by the President of the Junta de Festes Juanvi Bellido, the stage had just filled with color, joy and celebration. A scenario that after the words of the maximum representative of the Municipal Corporation to all the protagonists of the night, began to undo its spell.

After the ceremony and innumerable photos for the memory, the great family of the sequiolera met in a central restaurant to congratulate Nagore and Iker, and celebrate with them such a special day for children and their families.


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Fotos cortesía de A.C. Gaiata 15 “Sequiol”

Fotos cortesía de A.C. Gaiata 15 “Sequiol 2”

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