The 12th of October, Columbus Day, is also the grand festivity of the Guardia Civil and, of course, a day of celebration of the onomastics of all women named Pilar. The people of Castellón celebrate this great day in style.
The festivity is celebrated throughout Spain, especially in the Aragonese Community, where the Virgen del Pilar is its patron saint. A community with a significant presence in our city and strong roots in it. Therefore, the Aragonese Center of Castellón invited our posts for the Magdalena 2023. Adriana, Lucía, and Carlos, accompanied by our vice president Javier Rodríguez, went to the Iglesia de la Santísima Trinidad to participate in the offering and subsequent mass in honor of the Virgen del Pilar.
The queens of the Magdalena 2023, Selene and Alejandra, their respective Courts of Honor, and the madrinas and presidents of the gaiateros sectors, wanted to participate in this event, dressed in the costumes of labradores and labradoras.
One more year, we want to share again with so many neighbors of our city who keep their roots in the community of Aragón and celebrate the great day of their patron saint, the Pilarica.

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