Children’s Galanía

Since it was decided to pass the act of imposing bands at the beginning of the festive cycle in September, an act was created that replaced it a week or two before the holiday week and that served to extol above all the figures of The queens of the holidays.

Thus was born the act of galanias to the queens and this year, when we glimpsed our week of magdalena, we have fulfilled again going to different acts of galanias. For this reason, on Friday, March 3 at night, the Palau of the party hosted the first of the 2,017 galanias, which was dedicated to the infant queen Berta Montañes and his court of honor, and although there was an unwanted guest to the party, the rain was not an obstacle to tarnish or remove protagonism to the true stars of the night.

With the room trainsformada by means of projections in a huge circus, they were acceding among circus numbers, in the first place, the infantile madrinas of the different sectors and among them our infantile godmother Teresa Doumere. One by one they were acceding to the parquet floor to continue with the access of the ladies of the city and to finish with the parade of the infantile Queen 2,017 Berta.

Also the children’s presidents, and Marcos our dear infant President, 2,017 among them, had their moment of protagonism with a parade through the corridor and being bearers of the management offering, our president of the 2,016 Carlos, who was chosen for that this magadalena as a children’s standard bearer Of the manager.

But someone who was also captive to those present at the event was the presenter of the same, splurging sympathy and professionalism, the rancher LAura Turch Benedito.

An intimate party, dedicated to the smaller representative positions of the sector commissions and the fiesas of Castellon in general and in the sequiol, was present in several moments and parts of the act.


Photos courtesy of Ediciones Digitales Muphy

Photos courtesy of A.C. Gaiata 15 “Sequiol”

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