I could not pass up this opportunity to thank, once again, and publicly and emphatically, all the dedicated effort and the professional work that is efficiently and efficiently developed by all of us who make up the great Sequiolera family. They, the children, the young and the less young, with the feeling, with the passion with which the challenges are undertaken and of that, the Sequiolos demonstrate, day by day, minute by minute, that we are young in spirit and we dare with the greatest of challenges , every year more insurmountable, but in the end we always get it. For this passion that you put in the consolidation of the Sequiol as the best Gaiata in the world I want to thank you, each and every one of you.
It is not possible to complete a spectacular monument with your gaiato if you have not been conforming each of the elements that are coupling to form a whole.From the first moment that the pencil creates its first sketch begin to create positive synergies that give way to the first ideas Some ideas that begin to move to the different trades that professionally fulfill their tasks altruistically. Metallic structure, methacrylate cut, design and decoration of wood, many disciplines and this is in charge at the “Matadero”.
They know and much, proof of them the magnificent masterpieces that Sequiol presents to contest (although there is always someone who does not appreciate it by voting zero points, right?).
. And all the above would not be possible if the important work that develops a large group Sequiolos.Silencioso, sacrificed and not always well recognized.They are the people who serve our partners and neighbors, door to door, up and down stairs are collecting funds, maintaining the pulse of the sector and being this nexus of union imprenscindible between the association and the neighbors. And also those who seek the collaboration of the businesses that allow with their collaboration in advertising, maintain the high level that presetan our publications. Without that work nothing would make sense because our goal is to motivate our associates and neighbors and be an economic support .
What can I say about our commissions? They are the envy of all the gaiatas. For their number, for their involvement, for their castellorismo, for their beauty of spirit that make Sequiol have the best representation of the whole city. In any parade you can notice your elegance, your knowledge of being, something that I am very proud of, for all of you, Madrinas, Children’s president, ladies and companions, children’s ladies and companions. I consider you all as “My children” and I feel very proud to say “There are my Sequiolos”. And if We talk about the children’s ones, if they are going, the Panderola seems like the AVE.
And when they dress up, more occasions I have to feel proud of my Sequiolos. Professional local professionals will have the same efficiency and organization in the city hall, with the best attention, always with a smile behind the bars. The catering Sequiol of the ” Chefa and his girls “is spectacular, with design canapes, and all great.
But in addition to having fun, we carry out our work to promote and spread our traditions and for that we have some publications and an open window to the network of networks and social networks. And for this to be possible, some experienced Sequiolos coordinate articles, they write them, they always go with their machines at a cost to leave graphic evidence, they design the web and they keep it up to date, they all do an admirable job so that the vision of Sequiol can be seen abroad
The wide range of possibilities that Sequiol offers to its members between cultural and sports activities, creates an overwork effort that deserves my total admiration. From designing a project of presentation, its production, scenography and even interpretation, to the theater workshops and the last one to get the sport fishing from the hand of our friends of the Gregal.
At this point highlight the work of the group of Tabal i DOlçaina del Sequiol that, in addition to promoting these traditional instruments, is the ideal companion of our commission. Saturday to Saturday they learn new melodies that make us enjoy.
A special mention to the work that is developed within the school world, teaching to build small models of Gaiatas. There are already 15 editions. A job well done from its subordination to the exhibitions.
Drive the helm of this boat that is Sequiol, I have always said it is very easy. The sample of them are all the lines written up here. But I want to thank in a very special way to those who conform with me, the Board of Directors of this association. They are the ones that help me make decisions and provide me with solutions, in short those that help me to govern the ship.
. I hope that nobody who is not represented in one or several of the previous points, and if so, do not take it into account – it is the age – because with this party that we have lived I wanted to convey to you ALL the proud that I I feel for having at my side valuable people, hardworking, Castellonera and Gaiatera that so easy that my position as president is only to enjoy things well done. With all my heart thanks to all and all the Sequiolos.
Fotos cortesía de Sequiol
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