The Magdalena gave its beginning, Sequiol began the day at 10:30 in the halls of the city Hall for the delivery of the distinctions Honorificas. Then in Entourage, all to the enclosure of the Mascletaes to begin as appropriate with a spectacular performance of the Pirotecnica Peñarroja winner of the contest last year.
Later they put the handkerchief Magdalenero to Tombatossal. Before we prepare for the culture parade of the Pregó, it is a must to go to the Colla del Rei Barbut this year with the distinction of Sequiolers of L’any. A massive pregó where our Andrea accompanied the Queen in her parade through the streets of the city. And precedia to his chariot the basket of the city cover by the presidents of the 19 commissions in commemoration of the 75 anniversary. Day closed at midnight in the warehouses, where all the commissions took their gaiatas to San Roque Street.
Fotos cortesía de gaiata 15 sequiol
Fotos cortesía de gaiata 15 sequiol
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