One more Saturday, the people of the Fiesta gathered in the Palau to attend an act of Gaiata Presentation. This time, it was the turn of Gaiata 9 “L’Espartera”, with a very colorful and entertaining putting.
Eloisa, an artist frustrated after some theater failures, begins a journey of flight that ends up becoming a journey to hope, since she meets Angel, a talent scout ready to relaunch his career.
Thus, the journey by train to Castellón represents a journey through the emotions and towards the reunion with one. Struggle, renewal and effort, a metaphor of the gaiatero world.
All this beautiful story, staged through spectacular dances, was the thread that chose “L’Espartera” to introduce us to its Commissions, headed by the top representatives for the Magdalena 2018, the Child Madrina girl Ainhoa Valle Parreño, and Madrina Miss Ana María Martínez Parreño, accompanied by the President of the Commission, Gonzalo Cabedo.
At the end of the event, we received in the box the visit of the maximum representatives of Gaiata 19 “La Cultural”, to invite us to its presentation act next week. Our 2018 charges, Àgueda, Nagore and Iker, accompanied by President Elisabeth, congratulated Gaiata 9 and wished Gaiata good luck 19.
Fotos cortesía de A.C. Gaiata 15 “Sequiol”
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