A proud sequiolo, takes the reins of one of the most antiqueness collas of our city: the “Colla del Rei Barbut”. Enrique Carceller Llago takes over from Manolo Trilles as the new President of the Colla.
Enrique is an experienced festive, active member of the Gaiata 15 Sequiol with a very festive curriculum. Is, in addition, one of the partners with more trajectory within the own “Colla del Rei Barbut”.
He was a propeller of the Federation of Colles, as a member of the colla A Mitges, member of the “Junta de Festes” in the biennium 1991-1992 – as secretary – and 1997-1998 – as economic vice-president, President of the “Real Cofradía de Nuestra Señora del Lledó” in 2003 and 2004 … but, above all lover of our festivals, our culture and our traditions.
Sequiol and the “Colla del Rei Barbut” have maintained a nexus of union from their very beginnings, fruit of the good friendship that has always existed between the partners of both formations. Today, we are sure, that these ties of union will be strengthened. Enrique knows that you can count on your Gaiata for what you need because La Panderola will be that active train that will take to Tombatossals and its “Conlloga” to conquer again the celebration of Castellón.
Congratulations Enrique, President of the “Colla del Rei Barbut”.
Fotos cortesía de A.C. Gaiata 15 “Sequiol”
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