Visit of the Queen and Tom Bombadil

On Friday Magdalena began in the sector of the sequiolero with despertà in charge of the section of Dulzaina and Tabal of the 15.

A little later, tasting fried eggs with the sponsorship of Eggs Sales. A multitudinous tasting in a relaxed and lively atmosphere enlivened by our more traditional music.

Meanwhile, the children in the sector had a great time at the MissCupCakes Cake Shop, decorating the muffins with great originality, as if they were great bakers.

In the afternoon, the queens of the Feasts and their Courts of Honor made their official visit, accompanied by members of the Party Board and the Municipal Corporation. Estefania returned to her sector turned into Queen, and did it of the hand of its small Berta and in a rainy environment that did not prevent to celebrate it as the occasion deserved.

As is traditional, they took advantage of their visit to deliver the distinctive “Fadrí d’Argent” and “Fadrí d’Or” to the members of the commission and children’s commission deserving of such an honor for the time they have been actively participating in the “Món de la Festa”.

For the third consecutive year, Tom Bombadil was closed on Friday, again with great success of attendance of a public totally dedicated to the musics and lyrics of the charismatic castellonero group.


Photos courtey of A.C. Gaiata 15 “Sequiol”

Photos courtesy of A.C. Gaiata 15 “Sequiol”

Photos courtesy of A.C. Gaiata 15 “Sequiol”

Photos courtesy of A.C. Gaiata 15 “Sequiol”

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