Every year we are surprised with the majesty of the stages and the spectacles that they elaborate, in fact this one that has taken to them to gain in numerous occasions the first prize of presentations.
Two years ago it was the castle of the Disney primes, last year a pirate ship almost bigger than the Palau, so this year could not be less, and the stage became a spectacular Greek Parthenon serving as the home of Zeus and the rest of Gods of Olympus.
So, in a mythological environment loaded with a good humor, the Gaiata 8 presented to its commissions, headed by its child godmother Neus Alabau Rovira, child president Pepe Monfort Burdeus, godmother Marta Agramunt Font and president Raul Collazos Martin.
There were very special moments, but one of them was especially emotional for the great family when Agueda Ibars Agramunt, our honor godmother 2017, took to the stage the band of godmother of Marta and his cousin sister. Both they fell in a great hug and received a great applause of all the attendants to Palau.
Finished the act of presentation, we received in the box the visit of the maximum representatives of the gaiata 12 “El Grau”, children’s godmother Edurne Giner Gil, children’s president Adrian Bou Orti, godmother Laia Tirado Salvador and president Juan Antonio Tirado Serrano. They were the in charge of closing the cycle of presentations in the palau given that we will be four weeks from the beginning of the 73 edition of the parties of the magdalena.
Photos courtesy of A.C. Gaiata 15 “Sequiol”
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