Baptism Gaiatas

The Magdalena is approaching, and almost everything is prepared and of course, our monuments receiving the finishing touches, touches to be as elegant as possible for your presentation act.

On Sunday, February 21, our godmothers Beatriz and Teresa, our presidents Marcos and Elisabeth, along with the rest of the commissions made that presentation for all the public with the act of baptism of the monuments gaiateros of the Magdalena 2,017.

In a festive atmosphere prelude to the cupcake ever closer, members of the A.C.Gaiata 15 Sequiol gathered in the store of the Gaiata to impose the slogans designated by the artists to their respective monuments.

The slogan for great Gaiata was “Records d’infantesa” and the slogan for children’s gaiata was “Llum de bressol”.

Accompanied by the smell of dust of the traca, our charges proceeded to the baptism breaking bottles of cava.

After the photographic report nors we went to our headquarters to taste the magnificent agape offered by Beatriz, Teresa and Marcos to celebrate this special moment.


Photos courtesy of A.C. Gaiata 15 “Sequiol”

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