Sunday 24 Magdalena FESTA PLENA

Start the day very early, at 8 am starts the pilgrimage of “LES CANYES ” From the Ayuntameinto with all our charges accompanied by President Elisabeth, wearing their best costumes of Labradors and with the CANE in hand, with the green ribbon , they started their way to the hermitage of La Magdalena, fulfilling the tradition of lunch in Sant Roc. The day I accompanied it made sun and good temperature. But not everything was party, problems detected in our big Gaiata made the team of the Sequiol be used in depth to solve it that same morning.In the end everything was in an anecdote. An emotional and tiring day, LA “Tornà ” makes entry again, and should not forget the penitential character of the pilgrimage, this is the preamble of the Parade of Gaiatas, which flood the city of light the streets of our city, Rememo those crooks with lanterns ported By the first settlers who moved to the Flat.
And Sequiol with “Ramell il. luminat ” and “Sequiota de llum, font de lluminàries ” began its parade on the street San Roque accompanied by the Commission in full, Les xiquetes del meneo, who made the delights of those present.
To highlight that for the first time, each commission accompanied its Gaiata. A success of the organization that brought dynamism and agility to the courtship and was well received by the public.

Fotos cortesía de gaiata 15 sequiol

Fotos cortesía de gaiata 15 sequiol

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