Snack of the “Gestora de Gaiatas”

It started the 2,017 with the Christmas tribute that the gaiatas manager organizes in honor of the children’s queen and her court of honor, and of course, for the bridesmaids and children’s presidents of the various committees.

It was an afternoon of January 4, in a well-known playground in our city.

A snack where they shared drinks, food and lots of laughs, the Berta Queen, the Ladies of the City for children, our children’s charges 2,017, Teresa and Marcos, and the children’s godmothers and presidents of the rest of the gaiatas.

A nice afternoon and a lot of fun a few weeks before the start of the Magdalena parties. The smallest of the party making brotherhood among them.


Photos courtesy of A.C. Gaiata 15 “Sequiol”

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