Pride of genealogy

At seven o’clock in the morning and despite the rain was threatening, the big day of our fiestas was announced. Everything Castellon went out, with the cane, the green ribbon, the wine boot, the dolçainas and the tabal, Towards the hermitage of the Magdalena. And of course, dressed in the dress of labradores, Agueda, Nagore, Iker and Elisabeth, they took the path that would take them to the origin of our town. Also Beatriz Dama de la Ciudad sequiolera, en el camino of the pilgrims accompanying Queen Carla.
Shortly after the obligatory stop in San Roc for lunch, a fine rain started that did not stop the great festive family from reaching the Magdalena.
In the afternoon, the gaiateros monuments finally left the municipal warehouse and, majestic, paraded before the large commission, large and small with their best clothes and their best smiles. “Lloeu la llum infinita” and “jocs dínfantesa” would take great applause , perhaps as an advance of what would happen two days later in the main square

Fotos cortesía de Sequiol

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