On Thursday, January 12, took place the presentation of the poster for the Magdalena Festival 2023 was made by the winning artist Víctor Ramón, with the motto “La Festa de la Llum” (The Festival of the Light).

The event took place in the hall of the cultural space, the “Menador de Castelló” in the “Plaza Hort del Corders.” An event where the Queens of the Festival, Selene and Alejandra, their respective Ladies of the City, the Na Violant d’Hongria, the Madrinas and Presidents of all the gaiateras commissions, the councilman of the Festival, Omar Braina, among other festival authorities, gathered.

Our representatives for the Magdalena 2023, Adriana Llopis, Lucía Benedito, and Carlos Benedito, accompanied by Víctor Orozco, represented our gaiata magnificently.

This event means much more than just the presentation of the festival’s poster; it also means the countdown for the big week of the year has begun. In Sequiol, we are already looking forward to it.

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