“Orgull de Genealogia”

At seven in the morning the sun was strong to announce the great day of our holiday. All Castellon went out, with the cane the green ribbon, the boot of wine, dulzaina and tabal, towards the Magdalena hermitage. And of course, dressed in the dress of labradores, Beatriz, Teresa, Marcos and Elisabeth, took the road that would take them to the origin of our town.

In the afternoon, the majestic Gaiatas monuments paraded before the numerous commissions, large and small, with their best clothes and their best smiles. “Records d’Infantesa” and “Llums de Bressol” took strong applause, perhaps as an advance of what would happen two days later in the main square.

Closing the parade, the excited Estefania, queen of the parties of 2,017 of whom the Sequioleros we are enormously proud.



Photos courtesy of A.C. Gaiata 15 “Sequiol”


Photos courtesy of A.C. Gaiata 15 “Sequiol”


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