On Saturday night our monuments receive the last tinwhiles to be ready for their presentation. Surrounded by all the members of the commissions,our offices Lourdes,Alejandra ,Manel ,Elisabeth carried out the christening of the monuments breaking bottles of cava. We met to Matadero to put the names to the monuments , the big one designed by Enrique Canceller, “Tradicio ,mite i llegenda”and “joia” for the child gaiata designed by Javier Rodriguez.This year a third monument is christened, the gaiata made by the young people of our commission and for which they chose the motto “L’inici d’una historia”, since it is the same sketch as the first Gaiata that elected the 15th in 1982. After the photos the charges offered us a magnificent agape to celebrate the moment.
Fotos cortesía SEQUIOL
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