“Pregonet” Announcer of the Festivities in honor of the Virgin of Lledó

One more year, when the month of May arrives, Castelló looks towards the Basilica, nestled among orange trees, in the middle of the Plana.

Castelló faithful devotee of his patron, the Virgin of Lledó, shows his Marian fervor during the festivals celebrated in his honor, the city.

In the final stretch of the events scheduled asGalania to our Mareta, the first Saturday in May, took place the traditional Pregonet announcer of the parties.

In an act thought for the little ones, it could not miss a broad representation of the Gaiata 15 Sequiol, headed by Teresa Doumere and Marcos Rodriguez, godmother and children’s presidents.

Musica, baile, candies, and the innocence of the smallest, met on a very warm and at the same time endearing morning, in the center of the city.




Photos courtesy of A.C. Gaiata 15 “Sequiol”

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